Monday, December 17, 2012

New Moon Prayer Requests

Every month during my new moon ritual I will make offerings and prayers for blessings for those in my life who request it. After thinking about it for a little while, I have decided to extend this service to the wider public. If you are interested, please contact me with the first name or initials of those the prayer is for.

Please note that this is an absolutely free service and you are not obligated to purchase goods or services from me. I understand that not everyone is in a position to afford the services of a magical practitioner, so this is a small way for me to give back for all the blessings that I have in my own life. 
If you look on the sidebar, you will see a link to the prayer request page on the Unfettered Wood website, which basically just has what I have already stated above. I may add more content to that page later on, including ideas on things one can do in conjunction with the prayers while they are being done and perhaps share photos of each month for people to see of the ritual that has been done on their behalf.