Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Pilgrimage Processing {Shrine Edition}

I still have a whole lot of processing to do from my time in Ireland. Got the feeling that I will be doing that for some time. I do intend to share bits of that, and figured that I might as well start at the beginning. One of the first things I did after getting unpacked was putting together all the treasures that I got while over there, either found or given to me.

Certain items are devotional pieces dedicated to specific deities, so those sit on their parts of the household deity shrine. Other items I thought would be good to put on the general Gaelic deity shrine, which I have found helpful as a visual focus while doing meditation, work or making offerings while going through this processing.

Some folks find making visioning boards helpful for when planning and dreaming, think of what I am at here as something similar, but after the fact. I suppose in a way it could be for planning and dreaming too though, as I have every intention of going back.

The shrine is now a little bit more spread out compared to what originally was. Thankfully I had some wall space still :) 

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